NOTE: I’ve been struggling with my blog this week. This morning, I got up, turned on  lamp, bulb blew out. Went to computer, started my blog, everything going smoothly, then PING my computer, which was evidently going through Window updates, shut off – Yep, I lost what I’d written on my blog. Moral of the story: Go with the flow, so here goes.

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Okay, I’m in clinch mode. CHASING JOE is all but done. I love the story, the characters, and I’m ready to go forward with publishing. EXCEPT, I must read through manuscript one last time to check for story comprehension, dialogue, plot, research material, and cleaning up those silly errors. In other words, I am in writing transition: the point where I have to push this “baby” out of the birth canal and let it breathe on its own. Scary. Do you guys feel this way, too?

My biggest “fear” is getting everything published, and then finding nasty little errors that pop up like pimples before a big date. Even though I’m long past the pimple stage of my life, I do wake up in the morning with an aching jaw from clinching my teeth all night. Of course, I do know what I have to do to make myself feel better: Finish the book and get this bugger off my desk.

I guess what I need from all my writer friends this morning, is a hefty kick in the butt to get myself into action and finish this up. Whew. I feel better already.