The Rest of the Story

This post is by Doris McCraw

doris curiosity

As a child Paul Harvey‘s radio show “The Rest of the Story” fascinated me. Mr. Harvey would tell a story with pieces of information that most people had forgotten or never knew.

Tonight I chanced to find the rest of the story.  While waiting for the murder mystery show I was in to finish  ( I died at the end of the scenes while the suspects had to stay to be questioned) I found a book of German Stories published in 1898.

Now I can hear you ask, what does that have to do with Paul Harvey and his radio program?  I counter with the question, how many know the full story of William Tell? Yes, that William Tell of arrow and apple fame.  The “William Tell Overture” became part of “The Lone Ranger” theme song along with “The Charge of the Light Brigade“.

Paul Harvey, 2005

Paul Harvey, 2005 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

But back to the William Tell story.  Yes he was to have shot the apple off the head of his six year old son. Do you know why the incident even happen? He had failed to bow to the hat of the king. As punishment he had to complete the feat we now remember him for.  What you may not know is he had two arrows and when the king asked what he had the second arrow for he said “if I had killed my son, then I would not have missed when I shot this arrow through your heart.”  You can imagine how the king felt about that. He then ordered him bound and taken to the dungeon at the castle.  That is not even the rest of the story. There is more.

For many of us, myself included, we stop short of finishing the story.  When developing a character we skim the surface of their lives and for some reason stop short of the true story.  Much like the legend of William Tell the whole story is so much more. The layers and moral are that much stronger. The story becomes more than just one incident and the character deeper, more interesting.

Now hopefully you are asking, what is the rest of  Tell’s story. Here it is.  As they are crossing the lake to the castle a storm comes up and everyone, including the king are unable to navigate to safety.  They release Tell from his bonds to save their lives.  He leads the ship to a rock and at the last moment he jumps ship.  The king and his men manage to arrive on shore safely. Then to finish the story Tell follows the king, who was an evil man, and uses the arrow to pierce the king’s heart.

So as Paul Harvey would say, you now know ” the rest of the story.”

28 thoughts on “The Rest of the Story

  1. Very interesting, Doris. I believe I’d read this years ago but nice to refresh my memory. I, too, loved the Paul Harvey show. He was so entertaining! Thanks for sharing this and applying it to our writing!

  2. Mike Staton says:

    I take it that the king was not “the apple” of William Tell’s eye. Lol. The William Tell story is like a series. One has to read all the books to get the full story.

  3. Great rest of the story….What kind of apple was it, anyway?

  4. Wranglers says:

    I too loved Paul Harvey. You made a wonderful post, rich in links. I shall follow those. William Tell’s story is interesting and I love the way you broke up the story and the photos. I was entertained while reading this post. Cher’ley

  5. Enjoyed how you brought it all together.

  6. Jennifer says:

    excellent post! The kids occasionally listen to Paul Harvey in school (I forget for which class) they think he is interesting…they love the stories.

    • renawomyn says:

      Thank you Jennifer. I am so glad to hear that Harvey’s legacy is still around. It thrills me that your children are being gifted with his gift.

  7. katewyland says:

    A fully fleshed-out character is so important. You, as the writer, need to know them inside out to create a “real” person. Thanks for a good reminder.

  8. Awesome! I never knew that there was more to the story.

    • renawomyn says:

      Me neither, and the old book had a lot more detail than I could include. I just told the basics. I’ll try to find the book out in electronic land and send you a link.

  9. This post was wonderful, Doris! I LOVED Paul Harvey’s “The Rest of the Story”, and I love yours, too! Well done!!

  10. andidowning says:

    Boy, has this got me thinking, Doris. Great post!

  11. Eunice Boeve says:

    Interesting story. I don’t believe I ever heard the “rest of the story.” Loved the Paul Harvey stories.

  12. Nancy Jardine says:

    Ah! Retribution!

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