Winter Blahs? Go Yoga

76761_171264346224603_100000231174849_531984_3114203_nThis Blog by Sherry Hartzler

I’m of the opinion that the majority of creative people have the same problem, whether it’s writing, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, or whatever. We procrastinate. Admittedly, I’m one of the biggest put-this-off-until-the-next-day gals. With the winter blahs and wanting to pull the covers over my head and hibernate until April, it’s easy to fall into the habit of waiting until tomorrow to start a new task.  Unfortunately, after a few days of free-range brain cell activity, I get irritated at myself for being, yes, I’ll say the word, LAZY.

Okay, so this morning I got up, and made myself do something FOR myself, first thing. I felt so good after my half hour of yoga that the next project of the day came much easier. I felt so much better about my work and myself. True, it does sound super simplistic, but believe me. Try it. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, do something for yourself, first!!! Whatever pleases you, do it!!

Note: sorry for no photos this morning. I had a rushed morning and apologize.