Printing Progress

This post is by Erin Thorne. September 19, 2012 (768x1024)

Many people keep journals for various reasons. They use this medium to inscribe personal thoughts, vent difficult-to-handle emotions, and as a record of special life events. However, a journal is also an ideal place in which to track one’s writing progress.

I recently began to do this as an integrated part of my work. A writers’ group to which I belong has a feature that, once a week, lets us share with other members what we’ve accomplished in the past seven days. At first, my writing journal was strictly utilitarian. There was simply no way I could have remembered what I’d done if I didn’t write it down. By degrees, it became a motivational tool.journal

Some weeks are busier than others. During those that are packed with activities and obligations, I sometimes feel as though I’m not getting any writing done. This, in turn, leads me to feel badly about my lack of effort. To break out of this spiral, I take a peek inside the journal section of my day planner, which is where I enter my daily progress. Often, I’ve found more entries than I expected, and this has given my confidence a boost. On the other hand, I’ve occasionally been stared down by blank pages that I’d meant to fill. This has provided the impetus to do more, and to intentionally make time to write.

Overall, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the results. I have finished projects ahead of schedule, and kept a more positive mindset about the whole writing process. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I feel encouraged. I don’t dread sharing my week’s work with others, because I know I’ve done my best in spite of all the demands upon my time. I’d recommend this technique to others without hesitation; no matter what line of work you’re in, nothing lifts your sprits like seeing how far you’ve come. It inspires confidence, and gives you hope about how far you’ll go.optimism

New Year Success and Happiness Lies Within You

This Blog                                                                                                                                                                        by Cher’ley Grogg

The New Year it is fast approaching, we all have plans. Even if our plans are to stay home and do nothing, it’s still a plan. Most of us want to finish the old and start the new. I have several books in progress that I need to finish before I begin new projects. I tend to start too many projects at one time and I neglect me. Where am I in all the hustle and bustle? I am on a voyage, but at the present, I feel like I’ve been swept away at sea.

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
Helen Keller

I have changed my plans three times, and none of those times included anything for me. I am happiest when I am making other people happy, in the process of making people happy I lose myself.  Stress overtakes me and what starts out as a pleasant journey quickly turns into a shipwreck.

How often have you found yourself thinking or saying the following?

“I wish I had more time for myself.”

“I’m so busy! I don’t have a moment to breathe.”

“I need more hours in the day.”

“I don’t have time for that.”

We lead crazy, busy lives. And the one thing we never seem to have time for is ourselves. This problem seems even more pervasive as we work harder to meet the challenges of this new economy. To read more and to see the solutions follow the link to Eight Ways to Put Yourself on Your Priority List.

Decide how best to spend “me” time. How each of us chooses to spend free time is as individualized as we all are. If you had an extra 15 minutes, a half hour, an afternoon or an entire day, what would you do to make yourself feel rejuvenated, relaxed and happy? Write a list and keep it handy when you begin scheduling time into your calendar.

Evaluate the things that are wasting your time each day. Do you check your emails constantly and end up spending more time on your computer than you planned? Do you play computer or phone games? Do you watch too much TV?

Sometimes we spend time thinking that it is relaxing and it is not. To figure out if the activity you are participating in is part of your “me” time. Determine how it makes you feel. After the activity do you feel refreshed, renewed or revitalized? If you do not, then do not count this as “me” time, even exercise can be a chore instead of a renewal, or reading can be a burden instead of a relaxation.

  • Take care of your physical health with adequate sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
  • Value your emotional health as much as the physical, with a support system of friends and a willingness to laugh. Not laughing enough shows too much stress in your life.
  • Schedule fun activities on a regular basis—it’s just as important to plan pleasure as it is to plan work.
  • Identify busy behaviors and people who drain your time and energy but aren’t really important, then give less of you to them.
  • Kill two birds with one stone, combining family time with exercise and find other ways to spend time with your family and friends while combining activities.

If you want smooth sailing in your life then schedule in some time for yourself. What are you going to do for you this day, week, year?

Stamp Out Murder”.

The Secret in Grandma’s Trunk” This is an especially good book for your Tween Children and Grandchildren.

Fans of Cher'ley Grogg,AuthorAnd please join me on my Facebook Fanpage, that’s managed by one of my most faithful fans: Cindy Ferrell