Happy Mother’s Day!

September 19, 2012 (768x1024) By Erin Thorne Many of us are fortunate enough to have mothers who are supportive, helpful, and who have assisted us in becoming who we are today. I am no exception; my own mother, who raised me on her own after my father died, gave up a great deal for my sake, and she continues to help me on a regular basis in many ways.

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When I have several errands to run, or a signing event that is scheduled for a time when my husband needs to work, she’s there to watch my children. They love interacting with her, and she enjoys spending time with them as well.

She also likes to paint, and almost all of her work was created with oil paints on canvas or slate. One of her landscapes, however, was made with acrylic paint, and it enthralled me so much that I bought it from her. It’s called “October”; it depicts a sunset in a strange land, with deep black and an abundance of reds and oranges. To me, it embodies the spirit of my third book, “Behind The Wheel”, with its focus on a surreal realm of fantasy. I chose to feature it on this book’s cover, much to the delight of my mother. This painting is also the one I use on several of my promotional items, and she’s thrilled to see her work broadcasted in this way.

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As if that wasn’t enough, she was also the photographer who took my head shot. I was pressed for time, and the professional photographer that I’d engaged hadn’t been in touch since foul weather had cancelled our scheduled shoot. I needed a nice photo, and once again, Mom came through. We went out to the backyard, where she took a few impromptu shots. I went with the one you’ll see on my books and web pages, as well as in this blog.

I know she’ll read this later on today, and I have something to say to her. Mom, thank you so much for all you do for our family. You’ve done a great job, and we love you more than you’ll ever know!

Interruptions, Decisions & Direction

English: Illustration to Jules Verne's short s...

English: Illustration to Jules Verne’s short story The Mutineers of the Bounty (Les Révoltés de la Bounty), 1879 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By Doris McCraw

I used to write a short story a month that I placed on my http://angelarainesshorts.blogspot.com. That was a former writing practice that I let lapse after the death of my mother in February of 2011.  She had collected and printed all the stories, and that meant a great deal to me.

The next year 2012 I replaced the writing practice with my Monday through Friday haiku and photo on the http://fivesevenfivepage.blogpspot.com. Now as the year is coming to an end I am faced with the question of whether to continue this practice for 2013 or change directions again.

Regardless of what I decide, I know it will be the right thing for me. I have found that with interruptions that come into my life, when I relax and let my creativity flow I can make my decisions and change directions without feeling like I am a failure.  Perhaps that is the biggest fear for a writer, if you find that you need to make that decision to change you are a failure. To me nothing could be further from the truth.  Change helps you grow, and you can always revisit what you started at a later time.

So for each of you I wish you Happy Interruptions, Fun Creativity and a Wonderful Winter of Great Writing.