Don’t Talk To Me In That Tone of Voice! by L.Leander

propic11_1This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction

Don’t Raise Your Voice To Me…

Ever heard that from a parent, friend or loved one?  I have.  Sometimes when we’re young we get a little sassy.  It’s normal for children to become independent and, well, a little bratty sometimes when they speak to those in authority.  Occasionally, (but only if I’ve had a bad day) my voice just might have a different timbre when I speak to my husband.  Now, I’m one of the lucky ones.  My husband is very low-key.  Nothing like his wife, who is always so busy flitting from one place to the other that she forgets where she’s supposed to be next or if she left the iron plugged in.  No, my sweet spouse doesn’t say a word, just gives me the raised eyebrow.  Stops me every time and we laugh.

What does that have to do with writing you ask?  Think about it.  Is your character’s voice syrupy sweet or belligerent?  Is it timid or confident?  Your reader needs to know through discussion what type of person is speaking.

action1_1We work for hours on character descriptions and setting, but occasionally we forget dialogue.  Simple conversation can make or break a novel.  If the reader is invested in the personalities that emerge from the pages of the book he or she will devour it until the end and tell everyone what a great read it is.

On the other hand, if the discourse falls flat and goes nowhere the reader will put the book down and walk away.

As writers we don’t need to be overly descriptive of our characters.action2_1  Show readers through good dialogue what the person is like.  Make their words strong and forceful or quiet and meek.  Allow the personalities to shine, to make a mark, to entertain and leave the reader in anticipation of what will happen next.

For instance, here’s a ho-hum sentence and an action sentence.

Shawn entered the smoky room and took a good look around.  He saw Rita at the bar and walked toward her, anger building up inside him.


Shawn coughed as he entered the smoky room.  “Where on earth have you been?”  Beer splashed as he slammed his glass on the bar and took a seat next to Rita.  “I’ve been waiting for two hours for you to call.”

The first sentence is descriptive, yes, but the second is powerful.  We get from the dialogue that Shawn is angry through his words and his actions.  In the first sentence we are told those things, in the second we experience them.  Also, I’m one of the Stephen King believers in not using too many exclamation points.  Show the action.  It’s better than using the punctuation mark.

Here are a couple of good posts on descriptive dialogue that you might want to check out.  I found them very interesting.

Lafenty from

Sarah Billington from

Will your characters raise their voices today?  What will they say?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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