The Writer and Social Media

Alethea Williamsby Alethea Williams

The release of an author’s new book means it’s promotion time. Since most new authors can’t afford much paid advertising, we are always looking for free ways to bring our work to the public’s attention. In these days of proliferating social media, there are some outlets that are crucial. Before the book is released a writer should have a Twitter account and start following and gathering followers. I started by using the search box and looking for writers, tweeting general writing items, and slowly gained a following.

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

A writer should have a Facebook account, another place to gather friends and join groups where one can promote. In addition to a writer’s personal account, an author page and/or book page is mandatory. I’ve found Facebook useful for connecting with other writers, keeping up with what others are publishing and how they are promoting, and even as a place to learn how to use Web-based tools that I wouldn’t have discovered on my own.

WordPress Logo

A writer these days must have a blog. A writer must have a Web presence, a place to expound and expand, a place to showplace publications and link to one’s Facebook page as well as to places to buy the book.

G is for Good Reads

Amazon, Shelfari, and Amazon’s newest acquisition, Goodreads, are all places the writer can build an author page, list published works, describe characters and settings, and link to Twitter, as well as one’s blog and one’s Facebook page.

English: Google+ wordmark

There’s Google+, which kind of resembles Facebook as a place to connect and see what other writers are doing. I’ve been unable to fine tune the settings on Google+, though, and a very few writers have hijacked my notifications to tell me every single thing they’ve seen, read, or thought about during the day, all day, every day. Google+ overwhelms me with useless information although I do like the new design of showing three columns at a time and the fact that a writer can now post a separate page for each work.

English: Red Pinterest logo

English: Red Pinterest logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There’s Pinterest, to show in pictures what one is interested in, to pin pictures from one’s blog or the Web, or to tell a story in pictures which is mainly how I use it.

Image representing LibraryThing as depicted in...

Image via CrunchBase

The newest writer/book sites that I’ve joined are LibraryThing and AUTHORSdB. Since I’m already friends with hundreds of people on Goodreads and haven’t found a way to import my books to LibraryThing, that new site holds scant information. I haven’t had much time to explore AUTHORSdB beyond uploading my book’s cover and some personal information.

Yahoo! Groups used to be big, but I think more and more writers are migrating to Facebook to disseminate their news.

LinkedIn, again, connects a writer with a lot of people. But I don’t know that a listing there sells any books.

It is getting harder and harder, with all the writers, the books, and the book-related Web activity,  to attract the attention of readers. The ways that I have been trying lately, outside of promoted posts on Facebook which I think is way too expensive for the scanty returns, are guest posting on the blogs of other writers, and blog hops.

Guesting on another writer’s blog is usually a book spotlight consisting of blurb, excerpt, cover and links, or else an author interview or character interview. The hope here is that a writer gets wider exposure by being introduced to another writer’s audience.

I have just begun participating in blog hops, where writers of the same genre get together in big groups of 50-100 to host giveaways and link to each other’s blogs. It is getting extremely difficult to build up an audience and attract comments to one’s own blog, even to give something away. Blog hops offer the chance to contribute to a big grand prize, so I’m hoping for a better response but I’m not holding my breath!

As readers become more jaded and more surfeited with free books and swag giveaways, there will inevitably be more sites that authors are expected to join to advertise and promote. The only question then is when and what to let go of in the time crunch: sacrifice more writing time or just ignore some of the social media sites.

**This will be my last post for Writing Wranglers and Warriors. In addition to Willow Vale, I have a new contemporary romance out plus another newly accepted, and have signed a contract for a second historical. It’s been fun contributing to this blog, but writing under two names means I have two blogs of my own. Thanks for reading! It’s been fun.**

The author of historical novel Willow Vale, available at AmazonBarnes & Noble, and Jargon Media, Alethea Williams blogs on ActuallyAlethea about writing, writers, and Wyoming history.  Follow on Twitter @actuallyalethea, or like Alethea Williams, author on Facebook.  Friend her on FacebookGoodreads, LibraryThing and Google+.  Connect with her on LinkedIn and AUTHORSdB. Comments and honest feedback always welcome!

I love A-Zs – Don’t you?

For CCThis post is by Nancy Jardine

An author friend of mine at Crooked Cat Publishing commented that he was having a ‘go’ again at the world wide April A-Z Challenge Blog Hop. He’d done it last year for the first time and recommended it. A number of ‘we’ fellow ‘Cats’ signed up.

Rules are simple. Blog for 26 days of the alphabet on anything of your choice so long as your post is centred around the letter of the day (Sundays off for good behaviour) Try to visit at least 5 other blogs each day – lots more if you can is very welcome.

Main idea – ENJOY reading/viewing everyone else’s posts.

Why did I decide to fit this into my already busy life? Good question and my answer is for lots of different reasons. There are 1942 people signed up on the linky list. I’m sure I will meet some new people during the hop who will hopefully remain cyber friends. I’m also learning something new every single day when I visit other blogs, and most of that has little to do with writing.

This year they’ve put up a category listing, so if you choose to you can sign up for one of these and post about that subject eg. LI posts are about Lifestyle. There are classifications for photographers, artists, gardeners, politics minded people – lots to choose from if your posts are themed.   If you don’t want to enter a theme category you can post anything so long as your daily post is centred around the letter for that day.

I’ve chosen to do all my posts about Celtic/Roman Britain AD71-84. What? Loads of you might say – that’s nuts! Why have I restricted myself to historical posts like that for 26 days?

Food fresco from Pompei - Wikimedia Commons

Food fresco from Pompei – Wikimedia Commons

During the last 6 months, when not doing my full time babysitting of said cherub who is my granddaughter, I’ve been writing the sequel to my historical novel, THE BELTANE CHOICE, which is set in Celtic/Roman Britain AD 71-84. Surprise, surprise! I’ve amassed a huge amount of historical data that will never sneak into my novel- though I do that whenever I can!

The A-Z Challenge is a superb way of ‘airing’ that knowledge and finding a practical use for my time researching. Since I love history and am obviously steeped in Celtic/Roman Britain I’m loving the CHALLENGE already.

What I’m sure would be far too difficult would be ‘winging it’. I’m more inclined to be a ‘pantser’ in my writing but I’m sure I’d be spending all day long chopping and changing my mind if I had no theme to work to. So, does that make me more of a ‘plotter’. Oops- I guess I’m that too!

Whatever…  the challenge of posting an A-Z entry forces some discipline on me. I intend to complete the challenge… and get my sequel completed this month.

Apples, pear, plum, cherry!-image acquired from

Apples, pear, plum, cherry!
-image acquired from

Oh… did I forget to say I got 5 fruit trees as a birthday gift a few weeks ago from my daughter. (mother of grandchild) They arrived a couple of days ago and since the snow outside has now melted, and we’ve had a couple of nights almost frost free, I guess I’m spending my day planting my trees in patio containers.

 Roll out that compost!

I’m delighted to do that since, around AD 84, there were possibly as many as 10,000 Roman soldiers encamped about 400 yards away from my garden. (Yes I really do mean that number as recent evidence has proved the camp to have been very large) My fruit tree garden compost was possibly trampled down by them. (Spurious- I know but the thought makes me smile a lot!)

Any guesses why I love my Celtic/ Roman history posts?

If you’re interested my post today is all about the Roman food my Roman character might be eating in Northern Britannia.

Roman food

(NB. When I added my HI for ‘history’ as my A-Z Challenge theme it has been posted as AC for ‘Adult Content’. This is because my blog is set to that in case I’m posting a risqué romance cover when a guest blogger comes to visit… or as in today’s case a risque historical image from Pompei! My blog is, otherwise, a safe one.)

BeltaneB 500

The Beltane Choice is available from:   

Amazon UK


View my Youtube trailer

Nancy can be found at:

Amazon UK author page for all novels author page for all novels   Twitter @nansjar   Google+

Enjoy your day! I’m sure I’m going to enjoy mine.