Does Life Get In The Way of Your Writing?

propic11_1This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction

Are you stuck in a rut?  Procrastinating?  Is your writing taking a back seat?  Relax; we’ve all been there.  There are a few things you can do to climb out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself and get on track.

Last week was a crazy one for me.  Before I share, let me explain that I thrive on deadlines and a mountain of work.  I get lots done and even find time to relax.  But, when my orderly mountain teeters just a little I get frustrated.  What happens then?  My old friend Depression comes to visit and brings his buddies Overwhelmed and Inactivity.  I hate it when they visit!  I have to cater to their every need, feeding them, putting mints on the pillow; you know the drill.  They are not your usual friendly guests – no they’re demanding and overpowering.

Ok, so here is where I’m coming from.  I have been working on the second book in the Inzared series.  I began with a book cover designer and video trailer designer in early November, but still had no results from either.  Because they had other issues at hand I stopped work on the book and wrote two short booklets for my Writer’s Group, which I then published and began to market.  The Writer’s Group has asked for another workshop and I’m outlining another short book in the series, that I want to have ready in two weeks.  I am choir director at my church and that takes up my Friday and Sunday mornings (along with a lot of practice at home, picking songs, etc.).  I’m a songwriter and play music with friends once a week and that takes a couple of hours on Thursday (plus practice time at home).  My Writer’s Group is one morning a week and immediately following that meeting I get together with a fellow writer to discuss marketing (her husband has 30+ years of experience).  I’m currently taking a 14-week marketing class and have two weekly Skype calls plus homework.  I run a site for authors where I do author interviews and book reviews.  Add to this the various parties and gatherings we are invited to, shopping, cooking, etc.

As you can see, my plate is pretty full.  I try to spend most days with scheduled writing and marketing.  I do pretty well, even though I can sometimes be found spending time with my husband watching television with my computer on my lap.  (I resent those times because I really enjoy doing embroidery. quilting and other handwork for relaxation).

You get a little of how tightly my mountain is stacked?  This week I had a little OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAtopple.  My husband received some good news but it facilitates our moving back to the United States and setting up permanent residence there.  My mountain began to crumble slowly, one rock at a time, but suddenly it was a landslide as I began obsessing over the many problems we might face.

All of a sudden I felt depressed (I’d be leaving this wonderful country I love so well). I felt overwhelmed (how could I possibly finish work on the book, sell everything, prepare to move and then find another residence in the US?).  That led to inactivity.  It was easier to worry about everything than to take action.  So I sat for a day or so and fretted, unable to lift a finger to do anything.


I asked Depression to leave a little early (I told him I had other guests coming and I leavingneeded the room).  He wasn’t too happy, but obliged and I felt much better immediately upon his departure.  I asked Inactivity if she could come another time, as I seemed to have my hands full.  She didn’t leave right away, but finally gave in and said she’d see me later, when I was in the mood.  That only left Overwhelmed.  I knew this friend would take some pushing so I did a couple of things.

I listed why I felt so out of control.  The things I was worrying about weren’t really all that large when I put them on paper.  In one column I listed the problems, in the other the results and a timeline.  This worked especially well for my writing.  I need to get this book out and published before I leave, as I have very spotty Internet in the US and it looks like we’ll be on the road a great part of the summer.  I wrote down my goal and how I can achieve it.  I also included things like the marketing and promos I’d need to do.  Although the schedule looks tight, it’s doable.

I have a fabulous spouse, who offered to take everything off my hands while I am accomplishing the book wrap-up.  He’s doing all the cooking, marketing and dishes and is my main man when someone calls on the phone.  “She’s busy right now, can I have her call you back?” is his standard answer.  Thank goodness we have a cleaning lady (it’s very inexpensive in Mexico).  He’s also handling our social calendar and I have a feeling we’ll be staying home a lot!

My mountain is pretty much put back together now, since Overwhelmed is making his exit.  This I can live with.  Life often gets in the way of what we want to do.  Our success depends on how we handle the little things that seem to trip us up along the way.  Here are my suggestions when this happens to you:

  • Write everything down
  • Make a timeline
  • Be sure your goals can be achieved in the timeline you set (don’t be overzealous)
  • Do something – anything is better than sitting and worrying
  • Start small – write a few words
  • Stay away from time wasters – i.e. Facebook and other social media
  • Be thankful – you are doing something you love
  • Get lots of rest so you are able to think rationally
  • Enjoy the journey

Now that I’m back on track and writing again I don’t see why I even allowed Depression, Inactivity and Overwhelmed to visit.  They’re not my favorite people anyway – they hinder me from going forward.  But if they try to visit you, just show them the door!workload

Here are three articles that will help you avoid the three pesky guests by recognizing them immediately and taking steps to keep them away.

Writing Your Way Out of Depression

Overwhelmed? 8 Ways to Overcome It

Physical Inactivity as Dangerous to Health as Smoking

Books by L.Leander: