Men Have Boxes

 This Blog  by Cher’ley Grogg

Men have boxes. I was watching this very funny video comparing the minds of men and women. I laughed so hard, yet there was a lot of truth in the little skit.

I’m glad my man is different than me. I sometimes fall apart, especially when I am in deep grief, and he’s there to hold and support me. He grieves too, but it’s done differently.

Most men are left-brain dominant and women are more evenly balanced between left and right-brain activities. Women are slightly more intuitive, and sometimes better at communicating. Often men are not as social as women and are more task-oriented. Men are sometimes better at math. There are some cross-overs where men are very social and some women excel in math, so this is more of an in general idea. The main point is that men and women are different.

As I was researching men and women and their brains these games came up to strengthen your brain, you get seven days free if you want to try it. Happy neuron brain games. 

In “Stamp Out Murder” James Freeman is not only handsome, he is supportive and great at research. He’s a collector and Carolyn could care less about antiques. She was raised in McKeel’s Bed and Breakfast, which is full of antiques and other kinds of memorabilia.

Now for the funny video about boxes . Please watch it. So true too. A Tale of Two Brains. 

Do you see differences between men and women? I can’t resist there is a wonderfully funny woman named Jeanne Robertson 

I hope you enjoyed both these videos. Sometimes we just need to laugh and that doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman. 

Stamp Out Murder”.

The Secret in Grandma’s Trunk” This is an especially good book for your Tween Children and Grandchildren.

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