Does Your Reader Need Sunglasses?

propic11_1This Post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction

There is a segment on the morning news now about the need to wear protective eyewear in the sun.  Being in a tropical country I well know the value of protecting your eyes from the rays that shine down unmercifully here.

But how does this apply to writing?  Let me ask these questions.


  • Are there glaring errors in your manuscript?  Do readers need to wear blinders as they navigate the story?
  • Is your book cover professional or does it hurt the eyes to look at it?
  • Does your photo say author or something totally different?  Most readers don’t want to see a writer weeding her garden (unless the book is on that subject).  Get as professional a picture as you can so readers will instantly recognize you for your work.
  • Do your characters shine?sunAre they so drab and devoid of personality that the reader can look at them with the naked eye?  Or are they full of life and color?
  • What about your book title?  Does it grab attention or say something boring?  Make it sizzle.

These are only a few things you need to pay attention to as you seek to market your bookcraft.  There are many others that may cause readers to turn away because of the glare.

What can you do to make your writing better?  Do you have a professional creative team in place?  Can you add personality to your characters?  Is your photo professional?  This is a good time to fine-tune your latest book, don’t you think?

Books by L.Leander:


14 thoughts on “Does Your Reader Need Sunglasses?

  1. Creative post. I enjoyed this one!

  2. Gorgeous Bully. Just had to say. Really miss mine. Great article too. Thanks!

  3. Excellent reminders, Linda! I’m “polishing” works this year in anticipation of a new book, so these reminders were very helpful. Thank you!

  4. renawomyn says:

    The questions are really good and important for any writer. Thank you.

  5. Wranglers says:

    That is a cute dog. I’ll keep all those things in mind as I’m finishing a book in the next month or so. Cher’ley

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