Happy Valentine’s Day

Jennifer FlatenThis post by Jennifer Flaten


Happy Valentine’s Day, I hope you are celebrating with someone you love, if not I hope you did something very nice for yourself. We celebrate the day, but in a low-key way, no fancy flowers or meals out-unless you count Taco Bell for lunch.

Valentine's Day Flowers

Valentine’s Day Flowers (Photo credit: Elizabeth Thomsen)

With little kids in the house it is impossible to skip Valentine’s Day, trust me little kids love any kind of holiday, but they especially love holidays that involve candy. Sometimes, if I am feeling really festive at Valentine’s Day I make something heart shaped (last year it was a pizza), or I make something red (year before red velvet cupcakes).

The kids insisted I take them to the Dollar Store so they could use their report card money from Grandma to buy gifts for everyone. I am constantly amazed at their willingness and joy in buying gifts for other people. I know one of the girls bought my husband a role of duct tape; it is to replace the roll of his tape they used during a duct tape craft project kick they were on a couple of weeks ago. My other daughter helped my son prepare his Valentine cards for his school party, without being asked. A very amazing gift indeed.

I, in turn, got each of them a box of Russell Stover chocolates, not the large box of course (although I will cruise the 75% aisle looking for them day after), the cute little boxes with only three pieces of candy. I am also knitting them cute little hearts-if you are a knitter the pattern can be found at EweEwe Yarns



For my husband, he is giving me the greatest gift, he is taking the day off and we are spending it together. My husband works a lot; he usually works six out of seven days a week. To have this extra day off he had to work both Saturday and Sunday last weekend, so it is really a wonderful gift…of course, if he decided to include a box of chocolates I wouldn’t turn them down.

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6 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day

  1. Jennifer, thanks for this. It brings back warm memories of when my children were young. I always had fun doing special things for Valentine’s Day and they loved addressing cards and coming home with cards from others. One year I made them Valentine People Pillows – they were cute little dolls made with a heart body. Love the link for the knitted heart – I downloaded it for next year. Thanks!

  2. Taking the day off, what a beautiful gesture. Time with someone you love is a precious gift. Love really does make the world go round.

  3. Wranglers says:

    My husband is a romantic-I usually have to tame him down, he wants to buy me everything and take me everywhere. I love it. He usually buys me a stuffed animal, candy and a flower. Check out my Facebook page for a photo of my Love Bug. It’s a great pillow. I hope everyone takes a few minutes to think of love, maybe even give a Valentine to a senior who lives close by, there is always someone who needs a little love. Jennifer, it is amazing how kids want to give and share, we should never lose that feeling. I love all Holidays too. 🙂 Cher’ley

  4. Mike Staton says:

    Reading this post took me back to my elementary schoo days. Have to admit that as a kid I loved getting Valentines from classmates — and of course preparing mine as well to give. If I had stayed away from Halloween, Christmas, Easter and Valentine candy back in those times, maybe I wouldn’t be so frustrated now as I try to stay away from chocolate to lose weight and put type 2 diabetes away in its “no-more” box.

  5. Jennifer says:

    Thanks everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Vday.

  6. renawomyn says:

    What a wonderful way to spend the day. To everyone…may the day continue being just a special and carry on through the rest of the year.

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