Lean On Me

 This Blog  by Cher’ley Grogg

Lean on Me Lyrics picture

We all need someone to lean on, a support system. Sometimes it’s a spouse or a child, sometimes it’s a friend, sometimes it’s the people you go to church (or some other organization) with, and sometimes it’s the people who share the same profession, you just need to find someone who truly cares. That’s not as easy as it sounds.

West Virginians are known for “One Upping”—you have a cold, well that’s nothing, I have the flu or you got a raise, that’s nothing I became Vice-president. See, they always wanting to outdo you just a bit. Some people think they are better than other people. Some people only care about themselves. Some people don’t want you to succeed and some people are always competing with you. That’s not what we need. 

Even people, who claim to love you, may not take the time to support you. And some people, from no fault of their own, may not be capable of giving you the support you need.

Without someone else in your corner, life is awfully lonely. Having a friend in the trenches with you holds you accountable and gives you a sounding board for everything you’re feeling: successes, failures, ideas, and fears.

More than one Friend is better. The more you have the more likely you are to get the support you need. If you look at my Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn Pages–you’ll see I have My Family-friends, My Back home-friends, my Friends’-friends, My Facebook friends that I have never met-friends, My Trucking-friends, and My Writing- friends. I need and love every group. I try to spend as much time as I can with each one. I also belong to several groups across the World Wide Web.

There are a couple of groups that have been very beneficial to my writing career, “Spoiled Ink” (Later called “Edit Red”) and my current Blog writing group Writing Wranglers and Warriors.  It’s hard for Writers to share their writing ups and downs with anyone other than other writers. I have the most wonderful husband in the world, but I don’t share every little writing problem with him, but I do with my Writing Friends.

No matter your career, or where you are in your life, do you have a support person? Who do you lean on?Who Leans on You?


Stamp Out Murder”.

The Secret in Grandma’s Trunk” This is an especially good book for your Tween Children and Grandchildren.

Fans of Cher'ley Grogg,AuthorAnd please join me on my Facebook Fanpage, that’s managed by one of my most faithful fans: Cindy Ferrell

22 thoughts on “Lean On Me

  1. Nice post Cherley. Like you, I have several groups of friends and although at times they overlap they are generally for one aspect of my life. For instance, as a singer/songwriter I play with an awesome group of musicians – we share music. My writer’s group shares our writing (sometimes even my songwriting). Then there’s family, church and a host of others. You’re right when you say we all need them and hopefully, we can be there to offer support when it’s our turn. Thanks!

  2. Cherley says:

    It helps us be more rounded. Is your singing group on you tube? What instrument do you play? Cher’ley

  3. Barb Schlichting says:

    This group is great support and the Guppies have been wonderful. Thank you so much for your support. Great blog!

  4. Wranglers says:

    Thanks Barb and you mean a lot to me and the group too. I love the Guppies as well.

  5. i lean on the LORD,no one else compares

  6. Nancy Jardine says:

    Sherley, that was a really excellent post. It’s so true that you can have, and need, different people in your life at different times. It would be a very sad day, indeed, if you have no one to go to.

  7. Wranglers says:

    Thanks Nancy, you mean a lot to me and to our group. There are people who have no one. I also think of writers who want to be by themselves because they see other writers as competition. Cher’ley

  8. awesomewahm says:

    I agree, Cherley! We do need friends. They make life very special. 🙂

  9. Sherry Hartzler says:

    Cherley, enjoyable post and so true. I have a great writers’ group. It’s a small group and we’ve been meeting for seven years now. Serious writers who produce. Don’t know what I’d do without this group who are always supportive.

    • Sherry, that’s interesting – my Writer’s Group has been together for eight years and we’re all serious about the craft. We give and get good critiques and help each other through the rough spots. We keep the membership to twelve to give us all time to read and critique. I wouldn’t have made it this far without my writing friends (including WW&W!)

    • Wranglers says:

      Sherry and Linda, I think it’s great that you have real life writing groups. I’m on the road too much for that, but I may go visit Sherry’s one day. I’ve been in some great critique groups on the Guppies and I have my friend Cindy who edited The Secret in Grandma’s Trunk for me and I have my husband and daughter who both have helped me bunches. Sherry, you mean a lot to our group. I think you often take us down memory lane and that’s fun. Thanks. Cher’ley

  10. doris says:

    Be the friend you need to others and they will be the same to you. At least I truly do believe that. Always liked the Simon & Garfunkel song “I Am a Rock” for it points out how we really do need each other. Lovely and thoughtful post.

  11. Wranglers says:

    Thanks Doris, you always add brightness to our group. The poems and the acting information is entertaining and interesting. Friends are important, in life and online. I loved Simon & Garfunkel too. Cher’ley

  12. Michael Staton says:

    Agree 100 percent; as the song says, we need someone to lean on. When writing, always good to have someone to bounce ideas off of during the brain-to-Microsft Word process.

  13. D says:

    Nice post.

  14. Wranglers says:

    Sharing, whether the good or the bad always helps us feel better. Jenn

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