Cat and Mouse

 This Blog  by Cher’ley Grogg

When I think of cat and mouse I always think of Tom and Jerry.  When I was young they kept me entertained for hours and they kept my children entertained as well. I still enjoy Tom and Jerry Cartoons

Other animals that helped to shape my childhood were Flicka, Black Beauty, Rin Tin Tin, Tweety Bird & Sylvester, Foghorn Leghorn, Trigger and Bullet.

We always had our own animals when I grew up too. Of course we had the Royal family—Duke, Queenie, and Prince, and then there was the chickens, rabbits, hogs, birds (mostly parakeets), a cow and a pony, an occasional frog, and skunks, but my favorite was my cat Tom.

I loved Tom with all my heart. He was the first thing I looked for in the morning and the last thing I looked for at night. Maybe that’s why in “Stamp Out Murder” James, the main character and his love interest, Carolyn save some abandoned kittens and their mother. In Chapter 17, Pedro, a favorite character of many readers, yelled in a fearful voice, “Diablo el gato. Es malvado.”  Carolyn responded to him. “Pedro, they are not devil cats, and they are not wicked.” She and James encouraged him to hold one of the kittens. James finally got him to hold one and he settled down, but he still didn’t completely trust the new mama and babies.

Many people may feel the same way, after all the feline family came from the home of a murdered man.

Pets rank high in our lives. We never get over the thrill of the first time we saw them, the first time we held them, or the first time we touch them. We never get over the loss of our fur and feathered babies, when they pass on. They are part of our family and our lives. 

 Even the animals in nature are important to us. Who hasn’t been entertained by birds, squirrels or deer? Or frightened by one when we are going for a relaxing walk, we hear a noise, our heart rate quickens, our hands sweat, a scream rises in our throat, and then a deer runs through the bushes. There are a few other animals we encounter that we must use a little caution in approaching.

How has an animal affected your life? What was your favorite TV animal? 

Stamp Out Murder”.

The Secret in Grandma’s Trunk” This is an especially good book for your Tween Children and Grandchildren.

Fans of Cher'ley Grogg,AuthorAnd please join me on my Facebook Fanpage, that’s managed by one of my most faithful fans: Cindy Ferrell

17 thoughts on “Cat and Mouse

  1. What a delightful trip down memory lane. Is my age showing? Ha! My favorite motion picture pet of all time as a child was Old Yeller, but Black Beauty definitely ran a close second. I also loved Lad, A Dog, White Fang, Wildfire, oh, I could go on and on! Favorite real pet? Freckles, a part-daschund part cocker-spaniel puppy we got at six weeks. I still remember him running ahead of our toboggan (my 3 sibs and me) and he’d slide right under the soft snow and the toboggan slid right over him! We tried and tried to take him with us on the sled but he refused – one day he just went away and never came back. I think my dad found him on the road (by then he was 13 or 14). A lot of tears were cried for that dog. Thanks for the post!

  2. Wranglers says:

    Old Yeller wasn’t that long ago was it? I laughed at Freckles. I cried and cried over my lost dog last night. Thought a bunch about the last two in my life. Perhaps because I wrote this blog yesterday. I can still see Lizzie looking at me and cocking her head as if to ask, “Did you hear that? Is it okay?” And I can still feel Annie’s head on my knee. Thanks Linda.

  3. D G says:

    I think Lizze was best of all.

  4. doris says:

    Always had pets, and was more involved with the real ones than any others. Lucky most life to 18+ but harder to lose. Emotional post for me.

    • Wranglers says:

      Doris, It was very emotional for me too. I cried half the night. It’s amazing how attached we get. But it’s also great too remember how much pleasure they bought. I loved Roy Rogers and his pets. Tom and Jerry was fun.

  5. Nancy Jardine says:

    I’ve never had pets, save the hamster and carp that belonged to my daughter. I can now see that she’ll be very upset -and I can easily understand why, -if her two dogs had any problems. They are absolutely delightful dogs. T&J re-runs were a regular feature when my kids were young.

  6. Wranglers says:

    I hope ya’ll enjoyed all the old photos. Took a while to put them together.Cher’ley

  7. Wranglers says:

    Doris, It was very emotional for me too. I cried half the night. It’s amazing how attached we get. But it’s also great too remember how much pleasure they bought. I loved Roy Rogers and his pets. Tom and Jerry was fun.

  8. As you know, Cherley, pets are an important part of my life (and my writing). My husband said just the other day, “I really miss Sage” (our blind Springer who has been the catalyst of my books). She’s been gone not quite a year, and it was almost exactly 12 years ago that we adopted her. Our pets leave big paw prints on our hearts! My fav animal of movies/TV? LASSIE!

  9. Barb Schlichting says:

    Love it! Lassie was my favorite.

  10. I suddenly miss my pet Blessie. May she rest in peace. T.T

  11. Wranglers says:

    Hi Chris, so glad to have you reading our blog. Sorry about your Blessie and what a nice name that is. Cher’ley

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