Waiting Game

Jennifer FlatenThis blog by Jennifer Flaten

Despite being a procrastinator, I am perpetually early. Sometimes embarrassingly so, I mean if I have an appointment that I know is only five minutes away-including lights from my home via car, I will leave with a good fifteen minutes to spare.

I am not sure if I expect to find my route blocked and the only alternate route available is overland via dogsled or what.  The ride invariably goes smooth, in fact, usually so smooth that I arrive before I left. Is it time travel? No, I have my clocks set about 8 minutes fast.

So when I leave my fifteen minutes early I actually leave more like closer to 23 minutes early. So naturally, I arrive at my appointment early-very early. Good thing I brought my book!

I am probably the only person in the world who doesn’t care if the doctor is running a few minutes late, more time to read. Honestly, I don’t mind waiting as long as I have a good book.

The girls had a choir concert, as performers they needed to arrive about 40 minutes before the performance. I made sure to pack a book that I was really looking forward to reading. Not only did we get premium seats by the stage for the performance, but I got to read (blissfully uninterrupted) for the whole wait time, something unheard of at home where my nose in a book is the universal sign for the kids to a) start fighting b) need something urgently.

I was mighty surprised (okay, and slightly annoyed) when the choir performance finally started, I reluctantly packed my book. Then I immediately checked my calendar for the next day to see what appointments I had in hopes of finding the time to finish my book.

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5 thoughts on “Waiting Game

  1. Good post Jennifer. I wish I were like you – always early – but alas, it’s not so. However, my husband insists on being very early to everything, so between us we’re always on time ( a little early). I prefer being early or on time but always seem to have a last-minute thing to attend to. Like you, I don’t mind waiting though. I always carry a book (or my mobile Scrabble game) so I am happy to enjoy the time to myself. I’ve even taken my manuscript along to proof! Thanks for the interesting piece!

  2. I love my iphone, I can read whenever and wherever I feel like it. It’s great to read, it passes the time. Nicely written and great picture.

  3. Wranglers says:

    Great form and photos on the blog. Is that your bedroom? It’s beautiful. You are so funny. Love the dog-sled. What were the girls performing in? like Linda, I always have to grab things at the last minute to take and my hubby is like hers, let’s go,let’s go. The last time I went to the doctor I read a whole magazine. I haven’t done that on years.

  4. Wranglers says:

    Barb is right, download a Kindle on your phone or computer for free from Amazon. I have a Droid phone. Better yet get a Kindle. I have the Kindle Fire and I love it. But you can get the regular Kindle for about $70. I occasionally read a print book, but I mostly do ebooks. 1000’s of free books for the kindle. Cher’ley

  5. Nancy Jardine says:

    Good organising, Jennifer. I’ve just been to an appointment and arrived 25 minutes early. Sat down to read my kindle and wasn’t taken till 40 mins after my appointment time. Lots of my book read and it was by a Wrangler! I’ll be posting a review of it when I finish. And yes, it was a hospital appt. but in fairness to the lateness of it, it was snowing heavily all morning.

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